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Posts tagged as “paleontology”

LSS 109: Women in Paleontology; City Nature Challenge

Dr. M. Alejandra Gandolfo, a paleontologist depicted in the “Daring to Dig” exhibit. Photo taken at a field research site in Argentina.
(Photo courtesy of Dr. Gandolfo)

Just in time for Women’s History Month, the Museum of the Earth has opened an exhibit called “Daring to Dig, Women in American Paleontology”.

The exhibit explores the achievements, adventures, and discoveries made by women in American paleontology over the past few centuries.

In today’s show, you’ll hear an interview of Kate Rowell, the organizer of the new exhibit.

For more information about the exhibit, visit

Volunteer Lucy Gagliardo searches for snails
in leaf litter during 2017 Bioblitz
at the Cayuga Nature Center

Later on in the show, we speak with Dr. Alexandra Moore, Senior Education Associate at the Paleontological Research Institution. She discusses how citizen scientists can get involved in the City Nature Challenge, an international effort for people to find and document plants and wildlife in cities across the globe.

The local City Nature Challenge is taking place in the Eastern Finger Lakes region from April 30 to May 3. Anyone can participate! For more information about how to take part in this local “bioblitz”, visit:

Producer and Interview of Dr. Alexandra Moore: Esther Racoosin

Interview of Kate Rowell: Dr. Anna Levina

Music: Joe Lewis and Blue Dot Sessions

LSS 73: Science at the Museum

First, you’ll hear Patricia Waldron’s interview of Denise Nicole Green, Assistant Professor in the Department of Fiber Science and Apparel Design and Director of the  Cornell Costume and Textile Collection .
Green talks about the “Fashion & Feathers” exhibit currently on display in the Human Ecology Building. The collection features fashions constructing using feathers, designs inspired by birds, as well as matching bird specimens from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and the Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates. The exhibit can be seen in the Human Ecology Building, level T display cases. For more information see the Fashion & Feathers event website.

Various Fashion & Feathers exhibits (Photos: Patricia Waldron)

Next, Esther Racoosin speaks with Bryan Danforth, Chair and Professor in the Department of Entomology at Cornell University, about the exhibit Bees: Diversity, Evolution, Conservation, currently on display at the Museum of the Earth at the Paleontological Research Institution in Ithaca. Danforth and Dr. Robert Ross of PRI are the curators of the exhibit. Helaina Blume of PRI is the designer and creator of the exhibit. Bees! Diversity, Evolution and Conservation was created with grant support from the National Science Foundation, or NSF and the Tompkins County Tourism Program. For more information, go to: the Paleontological Research Institute website.

Bees Exhibit, complete with bug building (Photo by Jon Reis)

Finally, we hear Liz Mahood’s presentation of the Science News for the week. Patricia Waldron produced the interview of Dr. Denise Green; Liz Mahood produced the science news, and Esther Racoosin produced the interview of Dr. Bryan Danforth.

Contributors: Patricia Waldron | Esther Racoosin | Liz Mahood

Producer: Esther Racoosin

Music: Show Theme by Joe Lewis, Cêcê Giannotti.