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Posts tagged as “evolution”

LSS 80: Darwin and co-Evolution

Each year, around the time of Charles Darwin’s birthday on February 12, the Paleontological Research Institution, also known as PRI, presents a week-long festival of events called “Darwin Days”.  The theme of this year’s celebration was “The Power of Pollination”!   

Darwin’s Star Orchid

To learn more about Darwin’s observations of flowers and the insects that pollinate them, Locally Sourced Science contributor Esther Racoosin attended one of the Darwin Days events.  It was a presentation, titled “Pollination and Coevolution:  Love Story or Arms race” by Cornell Professor Anurag Agrawal.  At the beginning of today’s show, you’ll hear about Darwin’s thoughts on co-evolution and Dr. Agrawal’s research on the topic.

Acanthurus lineatus, the striped surgeonfish

Later in the show, you’ll hear an interview produced by Cornell undergraduate Alejandro Schmieder.  He spoke with Cornell Assistant Professor Esther Angert about her research on a type of bacteria, Epulopiscium, that lives inside the gut of tropical surgeonfish.  Angert talks about how those two organisms have perhaps co-evolved to develop a symbiotic relationship that allows them to survive changing conditions in the ocean.

And, lastly, you’ll hear our science events calendar for the week.

Image Credits: Paleontological Research Institution, Anurag Agrawal, Cornell University Dept. of Microbiology

Show Producer: Esther Racoosin

Interview of Cornell Professor Esther Angert: Alejandro Schmieder

Science Calendar: Esther Racoosin

LSS 73: Science at the Museum

First, you’ll hear Patricia Waldron’s interview of Denise Nicole Green, Assistant Professor in the Department of Fiber Science and Apparel Design and Director of the  Cornell Costume and Textile Collection .
Green talks about the “Fashion & Feathers” exhibit currently on display in the Human Ecology Building. The collection features fashions constructing using feathers, designs inspired by birds, as well as matching bird specimens from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and the Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates. The exhibit can be seen in the Human Ecology Building, level T display cases. For more information see the Fashion & Feathers event website.

Various Fashion & Feathers exhibits (Photos: Patricia Waldron)

Next, Esther Racoosin speaks with Bryan Danforth, Chair and Professor in the Department of Entomology at Cornell University, about the exhibit Bees: Diversity, Evolution, Conservation, currently on display at the Museum of the Earth at the Paleontological Research Institution in Ithaca. Danforth and Dr. Robert Ross of PRI are the curators of the exhibit. Helaina Blume of PRI is the designer and creator of the exhibit. Bees! Diversity, Evolution and Conservation was created with grant support from the National Science Foundation, or NSF and the Tompkins County Tourism Program. For more information, go to: the Paleontological Research Institute website.

Bees Exhibit, complete with bug building (Photo by Jon Reis)

Finally, we hear Liz Mahood’s presentation of the Science News for the week. Patricia Waldron produced the interview of Dr. Denise Green; Liz Mahood produced the science news, and Esther Racoosin produced the interview of Dr. Bryan Danforth.

Contributors: Patricia Waldron | Esther Racoosin | Liz Mahood

Producer: Esther Racoosin

Music: Show Theme by Joe Lewis, Cêcê Giannotti.

LSS 61: Dogs and their diseases (part 2)

We follow up with our four-legged fluffy friends in this week’s episode. To start the show Liz Mahood interviews Dr Rory Todhunter of the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr Todhunter is a leading researcher of canine hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis. Liz interviewed him about how these diseases are inherited, how they can be mitigated, which breeds are most susceptible, and more.

Carrying on with canine genetics, Esther Racoosin speaks with Dr Adam Boyko about analysing the genetic data collected from thousands of dogs to better understand the role between genes and canine traits and diseases. Then, Candice Limper brings us the Science History of dog domestication, and how they have evolved from their ancient ancestors into the animals we know today.

To round things off Luisa Torres brings us the Science Calendar to bring you up to speed with the local goings-on with scientific events.

Contributors: Liz Mahood | Esther Racoosin | Candice Limper | Luisa Torres | Nova & Leo

Producers: Patricia Waldron | Cecil Barnett-Neefs

Music: Show Theme by Joe Lewis, Cêcê Giannotti. Music by Bluedot Sessions